Thursday, January 7, 2010

We're baaaaack!

Ok, MandateTHIS has returned...sort of. In our previous incarnation, we did several things. We posted links to news items of the day (from reliable sources) that either needed public scrutiny or to bring to light important information that was being buried by the mainstream media. We established an outlet for people to post their rants and keep their heads from exploding. We provided links to other progressive sites, made up an essential reading list of "must-read" books for progressives and posted info about new events that activists need to know about and participate in. Basically, it was a "go-to" spot for fellow liberals so that they'd know they're not alone in the nation. Due to growing time constraints on our part (not having the time to update and maintain the site regularly) and what we felt was a lack of outside interest (poor planning when establishing the site didn't allow for a hit-counter), we retired to the website burial ground.

Lately, we've been relegated to writing letters to newspapers and media outlets hoping for the letters to be printed and read.

Well, here we are again, starting MandateTHIS2. This time, we're establishing a blog so WE can rant and rave and keep OUR heads from exploding and not have to depend on others to print or read and circulate. If you like what you read, circulate it to like-minded folks. Also, let us know in your comments. If you don't agree, let us know and we'd be happy to discuss and/or update our opinions. Being true liberals, we're openminded and welcome intelligent conversation. Ultimately, we're hoping to connect with and establish a network of progressive activists that can help promote a progressive agenda where, as of now, most of us feel like we're alone amidst a sea of fundamentalist nitwits. Thanks for checking up on us.


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